
Schakozue Entry (起こる )♥

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Let's spread the love while killed the hatred :)♥

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

When i'm with you...


Have you guys ever feel that sometimes our life is so boring? So do I. And nowadays it kinda feel so irritating. Worst come to worst, I let it past by without cure it. Some girls don't realize what they're worth and some guys don't realize what they have. But it was'nt a point of what Im going to say. Haihh. *tired*

Sejak dua menjak ni, me..with him feel something wrong with our relay. It was not because of someone else, it was not because we did not feel love to each other anymore. It was just like we feel apart since he got started with his practical. I put a huge understanding towards him. A huge one. Aku faham kenapa situasi jadi macam ni. Tapi yang aku tak faham, kenapa aku dengan dia asyik nak bertegang urat. Ada saja yang tak kena. Kalau siang okay, malam gaduh. Kalau siang gaduh, malam pulak okay. Hahaa. Like *&^$@%@! right? Hmmm.

Okay laa, kalau betul memang salah aku, aku akur. Tapi kalau aku dah minta maaf tu jangan la keras hati lagi nak panjangkan cerita. Know what I mean? Kalau tak boleh fikirkan pasal aku pon, fikir la pasal hubungan kita. Some said.. Selfishness is weakness. But loving and caring for others is a position of power beyond anything we can possibly imagine. So why don't we go for it. Tak rugi pape pon kalau kita sama-2 mengalah. Aku beralah, ko beralah. Settle. So lepas ni kita jadikan hal yang dah berlaku tu sebagai pedoman. Be matured enough. Boleh kalau nak mengada sekali sekala.*aku pon macam tu. Tapi tolonglah pilih waktu yang sesuai. Contohnya macam esok aku nak test, haa buat la perangai. HAHA *sarcasm T__T

Some sort, I don't have any idea of what to do if we faced problem like this. Cubalah faham keadaan aku. And aku akan cuba sebaik mungkin untuk cuba faham keadaan kau. Aku ada kekurangan. But I don't care. At all. As long as I'll be with you. I feel that Im so perfect. And don't ever said that you don't have anyone to tell your problem. If it do so, then why did'nt you point it out since we first met? And suddenly now you get to feel that way. Auchh! It's hurt you know. I'm still exist in front of you. Still willing to hear all you voices. Spread it out. But just like I said before. Tlonglah pilih keadaan yang sesuai.. I still need you, and I know, you still want me to be part of you..right? Let bygones be bygones.
Sorry you. :')

Love ~

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